Hi everyone, and welcome to my craft blog! I love making crafts, and I thought this would be a great way to show my latest creations, ideas, and tips for all you other crafty people out there!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

My soon-to-be craft cabinet

I am in the process of talking my dad and grandfather into building me a "craft cabinet" to go in my closet. Considering I always do my crafts on the floor of my room, I have always wanted somewhere to store all my craft supplies (especially my scrapbook stuff). The picture above is kinda what it is going to look like. I will post a picture of my blue prints and the finished product soon.

Neat Craft Rooms


These Beautiful, Bold necklaces were made by Wendy Baker. I saw an artical about her work in a beading magizine I get (Stringing), and I thought they were so uniqe and pretty! Here is the link to her website: http://wendybakerdesign.com/
Maybe one day I will be brave enough to try making something simular. =)

Monday, March 8, 2010

shabby blogs


This site has some really cute images and backgrounds for blogs. =)
